Poynter fosters an inclusive environment that meets the wellbeing and academic potential of ‘every student, every classroom, every day’. We are very proud of our engaging and respectful school culture that aims to cater for all diversities. Diversity among students and their families is recognised and welcomed. Different types of support and individual programs are offered to make sure all children can participate in education and achieve their individual needs.
Students who require additional support are systematically identified using a wide range of assessments and evidence, collected from school and specialist assessments. Reports are provided from external agencies and drive targeted intervention.
At Poynter we believe that every child can learn and make year on year progress. Learning support guidelines require high levels of collaboration between teachers, ancillary staff, and stakeholders in supporting children with additional needs. Guidelines are in place to ensure appropriate pathways are followed and timelines adhered to.

Pastoral Care
Poynter staff are committed to the wellbeing of each student and our pastoral care is achieved through promoting a positive school environment that supports the physical, social, intellectual and emotional development of every student. Pastoral care is embedded at Poynter and achieved through:
- the provision of safe, inclusive and caring learning environments
- strong partnerships between the school, parents and community
- comprehensive and inclusive approaches to learning
- supportive and coordinated organisational structures and effective networks of care
Pastoral care is shared and is the responsibility of everyone.
School Chaplain
Poynter has a long standing relationship with Youthcare Australia, who provide us with a chaplaincy service as part of our wrap-around approach to pastoral care. Chaplains are required to be non-judgemental, non-denominational, non-coercive and support all students regardless of the student’s issues or world view. Our chaplain is trusted, caring and an affirming presence in our school. Miss Eden runs programs to support students to build resilience, self-esteem, manage peer relationships, and grief and loss. Miss Eden leads a number of initiatives and fundraisers in our school including delivering the G.R.I.T. program to our senior students, playing a pivotal role in our annual Year 6 Camp to Wadjemup (Rottnest), hosting our Wellbeing Day and coordinating charity events with our Student Leaders.
School Psychologist
Poynter engages the services of a School Psychologist through the Department of Education. The school psychology service supports whole school approaches and contributes to improvements in school priorities which benefit all students:
- Build capability of teachers and allied professionals.
- Early identification of Students in need of support.
- Support Staff and students with their mental health and wellbeing
The School Psychologist provides both direct and indirect services to Poynter to address needs of students and target intervention for those who are at risk of not meeting their full potential or disengaging from school. Referrals to the School Psychologist are made by teachers and administration, in consultation with parents. A collaborative problem solving approach is used in monitoring and improving student performance when concerns are identified. The School Psychologist provides a range of services from discussion about issues of concern, to isometric testing. Close contact is maintained with parents in all circumstances.
Student Health
Any medical issues asthma, allergies, anaphylaxis, diagnosed medical conditions requiring school support and possible medication or Management and Emergency Response Plans to be declared and forms to complete, including Administration of medication.